TR-1 Combo Package

TR-1 Combo Package

  • Master & Tattletale Warning Lights
  • Data Recorder (BC-5R)
  • 4 Premium TR-1 Instruments


Replace your needle gauges with new, accurate and reliable FAA, TSO’d digital instruments and reduce costly engine damage and/or unplanned downtime.

Replace your needle gauges with new, accurate and reliable FAA, TSO’d digital instruments and reduce costly engine damage and/or unplanned downtime.

Replace your needle gauges with new, accurate and reliable FAA, TSO’d digital instruments and reduce costly engine damage and/or unplanned downtime.

Master Warning Light

  • The “Master Warning Light” assists the pilot in safely operating the engine by providing an immediate warning when a function exceeds a red line.

Maintenance Tattletale Light

  • If a function exceeds a red line which could cause a maintenance issue, the “Maintenance Tattletale Light” will illuminate and will not go out.  The stored data files will provide detailed data on the issue.
  • This light can only be reset by maintenance personnel.
  • Warnings can be configured based on function, value, and time.
  • Early detection can significantly reduce maintenance costs.

Data Recorder (BC-5R)

  • FAA-approved and TSO’d.
  • Stores 5,000+ hours of data, every 0.33 seconds, for complete trend analysis.
  • Flight and over-limit alert files can be easily downloaded via the USB port.
  • A higher aircraft resale value is possible when you’re able to provide accurate aircraft records.

4 Premium TR-1 Instruments

  • FAA approved and TSO’d.
  • Standard 2″ mount.
  • 3 year warranty.

Package Price:  $8,000 Retail

TR-1 Overview

FAA Approved Instrument

  • FAA TSO’d.
  • Upgrade your aircraft panel with the best turboprop replacement instruments available.

Easy To Install

  • TR-1 instruments fit into your existing 2″ hole.

Accurate, Dependable & Reliable

  • Electronics International consistently has been a leader in digital engine instrumentation since 1979.

BC-5R Data Recorder Overview

The BC-5R is a multifunction Data Recorder encased in a 3.80” x 2.64” x 1.6” gold-plated enclosure.  The BC-5R can be mounted under the instrument panel or in an equipment bay. It comes equipped with a USB cable and data stick for accessing stored data.

Records Data On Up To 8 Instruments

  • Engine & aircraft data recordings (Channels 1-7).
  • GPS information (Channel 8).
  • Export information into graphs to see & analyze trends.
  • Use the BC-5R to prevent costly problems & safety issues.

Easy Downloads

  • Easy downloads onto USB memory stick.
  • View data on spreadsheets.

See and Prevent Problems:

  • Use downloaded data to generate graphs quickly and easily.
  • See good or potentially bad trends.

TR-1 Combo Package Retail Price

TR-1 Combo Package

  • 4 Premium TR-1 Instruments.
  • 3 year warranty.
  • No Risk, three month money-back guarantee.
  • 5,000+ hours of recording at 1/3 second per record.
  • Priority service on warranties and orders.
  • Free overnight shipping on warranties and orders (USA only).
  • Warranties can often be handled by providing an exchange unit.
  • 8130-3 airworthiness approval tag available at no charge.
  • Within one year, return the combo package for a full credit towards an MVP-50T upgrade.
  • Includes BC-5R Data Recorder.

$8,000 Retail

TR-1 Specifications

2” standard round, 4.23″ long

0.3 Pounds (instrument only)

Power Requirements
6 to 55 Volts
Typical: 0.075 Amps @ 28 Volts

Auto (electric eye) and Manual


Internal Storage
1,000 hours, RS232 port (premium only)

FAA TSO’d -C43c, -C44c, -C45b, -C47a, -49b, -C55a

2” standard round, 4.23″ long

0.3 Pounds (instrument only)

Power Requirements
6 to 55 Volts
Typical: 0.075 Amps @ 28 Volts

Auto (electric eye) and Manual


Internal Storage
1,000 hours, RS232 port (premium only)

FAA TSO’d -C43c, -C44c, -C45b, -C47a, -49b, -C55a

BC-5R Data Recorder Specifications

Box 3.88″ x 2.65″ x 1.80″

Box = 0.6 Lbs

Meets DO-160C

Power Requirements
7.5 to 40 Volts
0.025 Amps @ 24 Volts

Input Lines 1 through 7

  • Receives an RS-232 signal at baud rates of 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600.
  • RS-232 or UART Format: 8 data bits, 1 start bit, no parity, can be either normal or inverted polarity.
  • Data must be terminated with a carriage return (0Dh) line feed (0Ah).

Input Line 8

  • Receives a GPS RS-232 moving map signal at 9600 bauds, 8 data bits, 1 start bit, no parity.
  • Receives a GPS RS-232 NMEA at 9600 bauds, 8 data bits, 1 start bit, no parity.
  • All logic levels must meet the EIA RS-232 specifications.

Event Warning Lines

  • By default, an “open” on an Event Warning Line will generate an “OFF” in the BC-5R record, and data will be stored at a rate determined by the Storage Interval setting. A “ground” on an Event Warning Line will generate an “ON” in the BC-5R record. A transition from “open” to “ground” will generate an “(OFF)” and a transition from “ground” to “open” will generate an “(ON)” in the BC-5R record.
  • Line will generate an “ON” in the BC-5R record. A transition from “open” to “ground” will generate an “(OFF)” and a transition from “ground” to “open” will generate an “(ON)” in the BC-5R record.

Box 3.88″ x 2.65″ x 1.80″

Box = 0.6 Lbs

Meets DO-160C

Power Requirements
7.5 to 40 Volts
0.025 Amps @ 24 Volts

Input Lines 1 through 7

  • Receives an RS-232 signal at baud rates of 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600.
  • RS-232 or UART Format: 8 data bits, 1 start bit, no parity, can be either normal or inverted polarity.
  • Data must be terminated with a carriage return (0Dh) line feed (0Ah).

Input Line 8

  • Receives a GPS RS-232 moving map signal at 9600 bauds, 8 data bits, 1 start bit, no parity.
  • Receives a GPS RS-232 NMEA at 9600 bauds, 8 data bits, 1 start bit, no parity.
  • All logic levels must meet the EIA RS-232 specifications.

Event Warning Lines

  • By default, an “open” on an Event Warning Line will generate an “OFF” in the BC-5R record, and data will be stored at a rate determined by the Storage Interval setting. A “ground” on an Event Warning Line will generate an “ON” in the BC-5R record. A transition from “open” to “ground” will generate an “(OFF)” and a transition from “ground” to “open” will generate an “(ON)” in the BC-5R record.
  • Line will generate an “ON” in the BC-5R record. A transition from “open” to “ground” will generate an “(OFF)” and a transition from “ground” to “open” will generate an “(ON)” in the BC-5R record.
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