“Have had EI instruments in my past plane and current plane and they always performed flawlessly.”

Customer:  Gary M. from California

Aircraft: Cessna 182Q Skylane

EI Instrument: R-1 RPM Tachometer Instrument

Date:  11/4/2023

“Nice product and good product support!”

Customer:  Kenneth G. from Michigan

Aircraft: Grumman American AA-5B Tiger

EI Instrument:  CGR-30P Engine Monitor – Basic

Date:  10/31/2023

“Great product. [I chose EI because] you have no competition.”

Customer:  Barry B. from Louisiana

Aircraft:  Thrush Aircraft

EI Instrument: TR-1-NG Turbine Outlet Temperature

Date:  10/31/2023

“Every person was willing to help me when I needed and the whole purchasing process was smooth. [And, E.I.] was recommended by my mechanic.”

Customer:  Robert W. from Wyoming

Aircraft:  Cessna 182H Skylane

EI Instrument:  MVP-50P Engine Monitor

Date:  10/26/2023

“I have seen your products in other aircraft and have seen their reliability.”

Customer:  Juan P. from British Columbia, Canada

Aircraft: Cessna 172M Skyhawk

EI Instrument: R-1 RPM Tachometer Instrument

Date:  10/26/2023

“Great to have all 6 egt’s, installation was straightforward. [I chose E.I. because of] price and availability.”

Customer:  Errol O. from Ontario, Canada

Aircraft:  Cessna 182 Skylane

EI Instrument: E-6 EGT Instrument 6-Cylinders

Date:  10/19/2023

“My mechanic said that your product was very good, and he was correct.”

Customer:  Zarick J. from Florida

Aircraft: Mooney M20J 201

EI Instrument:  CGR-30P Engine Monitor – Basic

Date:  10/18/2023

Great Product, that provides a lot of very helpful engine data in an easy to use and see display!  We are already finding cylinder cooling issues that we would’ve never known about before, and probably explains why we’ve had to replace that specific cylinder in the past. EI customer service on questions on how we wanted to set ours up was very helpful and positive.  The CGR-30 had quite a few positive reviews online from other users.

Customer:  Ryan O. from North Dakota

Aircraft: Cessna 182D

EI Instrument:  CGR-30P Engine Monitor – Premium

Date:  10/13/2023

“Easy install, good product. [I chose EI because of my] experience with [the] product.”

Customer:  Dave S. from Missouri

Aircraft:  Beechcraft Bonanza Model 35

EI Instrument:  VA-1A Volts/Amps Instrument

Date:  10/11/2023

“I really enjoy your products [because they are] simple and easy to use and affordable.”

Customer:  Zach J. from Alaska

Aircraft:  Piper PA-16 Clipper

EI Instrument: C-4 CHT Instrument 4 Cylinders

Date:  10/7/2023