General Downloads

Instrument Downloads

ASC-5A Clock (Discontinued)

CGR-30C: Cluster Gauge Replacement

CGR-30P: 3 1/8″ Engine Monitor

EC Line (Single & Multi-Channel EGT/CHT/OAT/TIT/Carb/Temp)

EC Line Operating & Installation Instructions (D-Sub Connector)
Includes: E-1, C-1, A-1, CA-1, EAC-1, EC-1, EC-2, E-2, C-2, E-4, C-4, E-6 and C-6
EC Line Operating & Installation Instructions (Circular Connector)
Includes: E-1, C-1, A-1, CA-1, EAC-1, EC-1, EC-2, E-2, C-2, E-4, C-4, E-6 and C-6
EC Line (Primary) Operating & Installation Instructions
Includes: C-1P, T-1P, E-1P, CC-1P, EE-1P, EE-1P, EC-1P, TT-1P and TC-1P
EC Line STC and AML
EC Line (Carb Temp/OAT) STC & AML
EC Line (Primary) STC & AML

FL-1 – FL-2: Fuel Level Instruments

FM: Function Modules

FP-5L: Fuel Flow & Pressure Instruments

M-1: Manifold Instrument

MUX-8A: Data Recorder (Discontinued)

MVP-50P: Piston Engine Monitor

MVP-50T: TurboProp Engine Monitor 

OPT-1: Oil Pressure and Temperature

R-1: Tachometer

RS: Remote Switches

SC-5 Clocks

TurboProp Instruments

UBG-16: Ultimate Bar Graph (Discontinued)

US-8A: Sixteen Channel Digital Engine Analyzer

VA-1A: Voltammeter

Probes,  Accessories, and Other Downloads

External Warning Devices

Fuel Flow Transducers

Other Downloads

Pressure Transducers

Temperature Probes

USB Smart Charger

Past Publications